Welcome to the World Hartley! {Part 2}
This is part 2 of 2. You can find part 1 here
...continued After a few checks and observations from the amazing midwives, it was time for stage 2 of labour to begin.
Quite often, if I'm mentioning to someone that I have a birth session coming up they look at me sideways as if to think yuck! Why would anyone want photos of that?! I politely reply with something like "It's not like I'll be right in there taking photos of the baby coming out, it's all about the emotion surrounding the birth - documenting the journey the women go through including the pain but also capturing the relief on their faces when they realize their baby is finally here! Marcia, however was a different story, she wanted ALL the photos including baby coming out. I got some incredible photos of Hartley coming into this world, most of which I will keep for her eyes only.

Just like that, tiny baby Hartley was born at 9:50pm weighing 6lb 14oz - already looking so much like his Daddy!
Thank you Marcia and Paul for allowing me to share this precious time with you! It was an absolute privilege, congratulations again on your perfect little bundle!